Travelling by bike between Haarlem and Amsterdam
Can you travel by bike between Haarlem and Amsterdam? Yes you can. Depending on how sporty you are feeling, or in how much a rush you are in, there are several option open to those wishing to travel to – or from – Haarlem by bike.
Taking your bike in the train in the Netherlands

How do I take my bike on the train?
As bicycles are the most popular forms of transport in Holland, it stands to reason that you can travel with your bike in the train. Of course there are a few restrictions, you need to take into account:
- To need to buy a special ticket for your bike, to take it on the train. You buy this ticket from the OV machine before getting into the train. You can either buy a loose train ticket for your bike, or you can load it onto your OV chip card. Of course you also need to have a valid ticket for yourself.
- Bikes are only permitted in the special bike carriages. These are usually in the middle of the train, and are marked with stickers on the doors. It is advisable to remain with your bike, so that it does not (accidentally) leave the train with someone else.
- Your bike may only be taken on public transport during off-peak times. Off peak times are before 06h30, between 09h00 & 16h00, and after 18h30 Monday to Friday. Also weekends, public holidays and in the months of July and August are off peak (so you can then take your bike all day).
- You cannot take bicycles on Intercity direct trains, except for folding bikes that are not more than 120 cm long and 90 cm wide when folded up.
- Folding bicycles may go free in the train (as hand baggage) at all times if they are folded up. Not tandem folding bikes though – these require a ticket.
Cycling between Amsterdam and Haarlem
It is entirely possible to cycle between Amsterdam and Haarlem on the special bicycle paths. A one-way trip between the two cities is about 20km (around an hour cycling) – and is quite scenic. Check the online cycling route planner and follow the special signs for Haarlem.